Thursday, August 6, 2015

Reading a XML file in C#

        static void Main(string[] args)

            string file = "C:\\Users\\ANLALK\\Desktop\\ApplicationTesterResultComponentSummary.xml";

            XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();

            XmlNodeList errorElements = doc.SelectNodes("APPLICATION_TESTER/COMPONENT");

            StreamWriter writetext = new StreamWriter("C:\\write.txt");
           // Line("writing in text file");
            foreach (XmlNode error in errorElements)
                writetext.Write(error.SelectSingleNode("COMPONENT_NAME").InnerText + ",");


Writing Acknowledgements in third person


Acknowledgements page is in the most cases at the beginning of a Thesis / Report, included just after the Contents.

Purpose of acknowledgements page is to show appreciation to those who contributed in conducting research / other tasks and duties related to the thesis writing.

Therefore when writing acknowledgements page you should carefully consider everyone who helped during research process and show appreciation in the order of relevance. In this regard it is suitable to show appreciation in brief manner instead of using strong emotional phrases. In this part of your work it is normal to use personal pronouns like “I, my, me” while in the rest of the paper this articulation is not recommended. Even when acknowledging family members and friends make sure of using the wording of a relatively formal register.

Please find below the list of the persons you should acknowledged:

  1. Supervisors (main and second)
  2. Academic staff in your department
  3. Technical staff
  4. Academic staff
  5. Colleagues
  6. Institutions and organization
  7. Companies
  8. Family and friends

Note however that different projects require different resources and therefore you should adjust your list of acknowledged persons.


  1. Those who provided scientific guidance,
  2. Those who shared unpublished results
  3. Persons that provided you facilities / equipment
  4. Persons which have participated in the discussions
  5. Technicians, lab assistants
  6. Students
  7. Funding agency, grant number, institution

(in descriptive way)
1. Allah SWT
2. The Prophet Muhammad SAW
3. Parents

(in numbered way)
1. The Dean,
2. The Head of Department,
3. The Secretary of Department,
4. The Supervisors,
5. The lecturers,
6. The head or the leader where the research took place,
7. The head of the library,
8. Husband/Wife (if any),
9. Brothers/Sisters (if any),
10. Sons/Daughters (if any),
11. Fiance/Fiancee (if any),
12. Best Friends including those who helped in finishing the thesis,
13. Friends including classmates.

Some faculties sometimes have their own formats in writing thesis acknowledgement. My suggestion and writing in this posting is an alternative way. Hope today's posting will be useful for all of us. Amien.


In one paragraph:

Acknowledgements The authors would like to thank their friends and family for their support. The writers and publishers thank the following people who contributed material to this text: Karen Boyd, Hugo Britt, Jan Bruder, G.M. Dewis, Patricia Di Risio, Gail Grove, Virginia Lee, Cameron Lowe, Angus McDonald, Maria Papasotiriou, Emma Pollock, Cara Stewart and Ross Walker. Thanks also to the teachers who gave us feedback and suggestions, including Anne Hotta, Jill Itoh, Lisa Lander, Anne Peterson, Mary Petsinis, Emma Pollock and Helen Theodoropoulos Savopoulos. We also thank the following students for permission to publish their essays: Jinah Byun, Jian Chen, Wayne Cheung, Hyun Joon Kim, Ivy Wu, Yan Zhu Ni